Thursday, March 14, 2013


Meteor's too damn quiet in here.  I don't like this shit.  No, there weren't Zubats in the Fiery Path, but I can just feel it; I don't hear it, but I can almost smell it...the flippity-flap of dang-ass bat wings.

Well, at least I'm not alone.  Team Magma's here to keep me company.  Also, apparently, to steal a meteorite to do something at Mount Chimney--


What a fucking cock-tease! They get all in position to scuffle and there ain't no damn scuffle?!?! I want scuffles!

Professor Cozmo, do you have any idea what the fuck is going on here and why there ain't no damn scuffles? No? Okay, great.  I'm gonna pick up that Moon Stone over there and--

FUCKING ZUBATS! I literally encountered zero Pokemon until I was inches away from the exit from this cave and I run into a fucking Zubat! You know, this cave might have the strongest goddamned Pokemon in here, but the Zubat? He ruined it.  He ruined it for all of you.  You were destined for greatness and Cockstick McFlippityflap over here just took a big ole' shit right on your destiny.  Poopin'-ass destiny...

Okay, so I'm on Route 115 now? Where the hell is this?  Also, there's a trainer out here whose only Pokemon is a Zangoose and a Seviper.  Dude...did you not hear? That's not the optimal team, bro.  Shit's gonna go down if you ever get in a double-battle.

Wait...I'm back in Rustboro? I'm all the way back here?!? The fuck--

Oh god...that path to the north that I could go on...this was that path.  Oh shit, the amount of backtracking I have to do now!


Okay, I'm back at Mount Chimney now.  I stopped off at Verdanturf to heal the Pokemon in my party, but I beelined--

Hey, the cable-car is open now! Yay! Now I get to check out Lavaridge Town--!

Fuck, still no Lavaridge Town?!?! Son of a bitch, just let me be there! But oh, what is this?

Aqua and Magma? Together? In one place? Having battles?!? I GOT MY SCUFFLES!!!

Okay, what's going on over here?'re Maxie, the head of Team Magma, and you're trying to awaken some big-ass Pokemon that lives in Mount Chimney so that the subsequent eruption will create more land, and you need the meteorite to do this.  Not on my watch, bitch! I'm going to take a moment to explain to you why this chick is a cunt and a half.  She starts off with a Mightyena.  No biggie.  She Super Potions the fucker, so I hate her.  Right after that, she SWAPS THE FUCKING THING OUT! Excuse me?!? When did the A.I. in these games actually start playing?!?!?!?

So, after taking out the Camerupt, she sends out the Mightyena again, so the Intimidation keeps hitting all the Pokemon who have type-advantages over it.  Fucking bastard dog knocks out like half my team from critical-hit Bite attacks.  When I finally get the fucker down, not only does Maxie use a SECOND FUCKING SUPER POTION ON THIS FUCKING DOG, but it knocks out my Geodude when right before during the fight with her other Pokemon, he reached Level 25.  She knocked him out as he was about to evolve.  This shit is un-fucking-acceptable.

Through the grace of God, however, I finally beat this slut, and thankfully, Pokemon can evolve even after they faint from battle.  This is good news.

Graveler, lvl 25

HP: 64
Attack: 54
Defense: 63
Special Attack: 31
Special Defense: 33
Speed: 26

Wow...Graveler's sprite is really lazy.  I mean, look at this shit:

Someone looked at this sprite and said, "Yeah, that's good enough."  That saddens me.

Do I have to go down the Jagged Pass to find Lavaridge Town? I have no idea how far I have to travel down that path, and I'm damn sure there are gonna be trainers down there, and all I have left is Kirlia.  Alright, lady...we need to teleport back to a Pokemon Center.

Verdanturf?!?! Did I not--?

Ugh...this is my fucking life.  I'll be right back....

Combusken, lvl 25
Graveler, lvl 25
Kirlia, lvl 24
Mightyena, lvl 23
Wingull, lvl 23
Vigoroth, lvl 22

Pokedex: 30, Badges: 3

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