Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fuck Daycares's been a long fucking time.  Let's see how my Wailmer is doing.

He's the same fucking level?! How the hell did this happen?! What the hell did I pay you for?! For fuck's sake, gimme back my fatty! I'll do this the old-fashioned way while I look for a way to get to Ever Grande City.

You know, I never checked out that sunken ship.  Maybe there's some cool shit in there and I can level Wailmer.

This place is pretty fucked's like the S.S. Anne meets the Lusitania.

Alright...we got plenty of time to explore, and it looks like there are trainers about.  Wailmer, take the Experience Share (that doesn't work as well as in Y) and pray for a swift leveling.

There are a lot of holes in the ground everywhere...I'm really afraid that I'm gonna drop somewhere and forget how the fuck to get out.

There's an underwater section, too? Jesus, this thing is extreme.

Hey, a Water Stone! Now I can evolve my Lotad!

That is...if I actually trained it to a place where I'd be comfortable with the moves Ludicolo would know.

No me gusta, dude.  Sorry.

And it looks like there's a hidden floor, but all the doors are locked.  This can't be it.  Let me check around again.

Hey, the captain's office...with one of Captain Stern's assistants looking for a scanner.  Okay, I knew there was a purpose to this whole thing.  Let's check this place out a little better--

Rain Dance and ICE BEAM, MOTHERFUCKERS! Now we're in business!

Okay, Storage Key reveals Room 3 Key, Room 3 Key reveals Room 1 Key, Room 1 Key reveals Room 4 Key, and Room 4 Key reveals the Room 2 Key, in which room lays the Scanner.

Now, let's just return this thing to Captain Stern.

Cool, and I got a Deepseascale for it...for, you know, when I decide to catch a Clamperl and evolve it--

Fuck it, this is useless to me.

Okay...I have no idea how to get to Ever Grande City and Victory Road, so I actually have to use a walkthrough at this point.  Sorry, but there's really nothing I can do at this point.

Oh...just Surf down and to the right from Mossdeep City?

Well, fuck.

How exactly did I miss ROute 128? How? Tell me how this is?

Also, there's way too much fucking water in Hoenn.  No matter...more routes means more trainers, more trainers means more experience for Wailmer, and the sooner he evolves, the sooner I can take on the Elite Four with Regice.

Hey, this looks like Victory Road! We're almost there guys! And Wailmer...

Get your shit together and evolve already.

Magneton, lvl 43
Blaziken, lvl 41
Tropius, lvl 39
Wailmer, lvl 36
Relicanth, lvl 34
Mightyena, lvl 23

Pokedex: 67, Badges: 8

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