Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hoenn Is Fucking Hard-Mode

These it just me, or are they a hell of a lot smaller than they are in Kanto and Johto? I mean Jesus, this town doesn't even have a Poke-Mart! Cherrygrove and Oldale had Poke-Marts and they didn't have gyms! It's a good thing I got that old guy with a boat to ship me back and forth from Petalburg so I can buy some shit.

Alright...where's Steven? Nope, that's a fisherman--

Old Rod! Ba-zam! Granted, I'm probably not gonna use this shit, since this is just a Magikarp-magnet, but it's good to know I'm progressing.

Let's see...there's another guy here who needs me to use the stupid Easy-Chat function to tell him what's trendy...there's a cave...ah, the gym! Yep, okay, this is the Fighting-type gym.

I better get to grinding.  I've got Wingull and Combusken with Flying-type moves, and I've got Ralts with Psychic-type moves, and I got Lotad with a Ghost-type move, so I should be alright if I just level them a little bit.

I fucking hate Zubats.  Granted, there's a few Makuhita in here, but that's basically just the new Machop.  I'm getting the sense that this is what they're gonna do with these games from now on: take a Pokemon, see where it can be found, find what location in the new map correlates to that previous location, then make a new version of that same Pokemon and stick it in there.  It just seems so--


Abra, lvl 8
Gender: Female
Nature: Naive
Ability: Synchronize

HP: 24
Attack: 9
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 23
Special Defense: 13
Speed: 23

I mean, everyone's at least above Level 11 right now, and I've got some good type-advantages throughout the team, so I think we're good to go. it!

Yeah, guy!

Lombre, lvl 14

HP: 41
Attack: 22
Defense: 22
Special Attack: 20
Special Defense: 28
Speed: 20

Kick-ass! Brawly, I'm coming for you--

Your name is Brawly? I...I mean...what?

Dewford Town Gym: Brawly, the Unfortunately-Named

He looks fairly chill to be a Fighting-type trainer...certainly more chill than Bruno.  Bruno's a monster.


Kevin's Ralts, lvl 13     vs.     Brawly's Machop, lvl 16

The level difference isn't that bad! Alright!

Confusion knocks Machop down to half health.  This should be easy.

Bulk Up? What does that--oh...increases Attack and Defense.  Not bad.  Too bad it won't help against Psychic-type attacks.

Confusion puts Machop in the deep red...and he's confused! Awesome!

Karate Chop hits Ralts and takes her down to 8 HP.

Chances are Brawly is gonna try to heal Machop, so I'll take this opportunity to use a Potion on Ralts.

Super Potion on Machop.  Nailed it.  However, he is still confused, so that's good for me.

Confusion takes Machop back down to half health.  Should only take a few more hits.

Bulk Up again.  Damn, was hoping he'd hurt himself, but I've still got next round.

Confusion hits and Machop is hurting bad.  Come on...hurt yourself...

WOAH! Karate Chop knocks Ralts out! Goddamn! Fucking hard-mode, dude! I know, maybe I can put him to sleep; Slakoth is holding the Quick Claw.


Kevin's Slakoth, lvl 11     vs.     Brawly's Machop, lvl 16

Alright.  Let's just get a quick Yawn in there and--

And Karate Chop knocks Slakoth out.  Okay...poor plan.  Well, if Machop is kicking ass, I'm gonna make him hurt somehow!


Kevin's Shroomish, lvl 12     vs.     Brawly's Machop, lvl 16

Go ahead and hit me, motherfucker! Watch what happens--

Nothing.  Nothing but pain for Shroomish who only has 4 HP left.  Oh, and Machop isn't confused anymore.  Great.

Stun Spore missed.  Fucking amazing.

Karate Chop knocks Shroomish out, but the Effect Spore puts Machop to sleep.  Alright, I'll take it.


Kevin's Wingull, lvl 11     vs.     Brawly's Machop, lvl 16

Wingull uses Water Gun and knocks Machop out.  You know, I probably should have taken Wingull out instead of Slakoth to begin with, since his Speed would have probably beaten Machop's and I could have saved two of my Pokemon.  Oh well...nothing I can do now.


Kevin's Lombre, lvl 14     vs.     Brawly's Meditite, lvl 16

Meditite is a Psychic/Fighting, so a Ghost-type move like Astonish should pack a punch.

Meditite is...tightening his focus? What? Oh well...

Astonish hits and takes away a quarter of his health.

Meditite is...tightening his focus again? What the fuck is he doing?

Astonish again, and Meditite flinched! Great! Whatever the hell it was trying to do, it sure as hell can't do it now! Halfway there...

Meditite is...tightening his focus?! WHAT IS THIS MOVE?!?!?!

Astonish takes Meditite down to the deep red, so if he's going to tighten his focus some more, he's fucked.

SUPER POTION.  Oh, come the fuck on! Gym leaders have a potion for every one of their Pokemon?! When the fuck did this become hard-mode?!?!?! FINE!!

Astonish, back down to 3/4 health for Meditite.

Tightens his focus.  Fuck you.

Astonish again, back down to half health for Meditite.

Meditite lost his focus and can't move.  Whatever the fuck move this is, it's dumb as shit.

Meditite is...tightening his focus, of course.  Fucking ridiculous...

Astonish pulls off a critical hit and I don't have to deal with this shit anymore.  Awesome.  Only one more to go!


Kevin's Lombre, lvl 14     vs.     Brawly's Makuhita, lvl 19

You know what? I need to try something here...

Nature Power!



It turned into Swift.  Shit.  Oh well, at least it hit.

Bulk Up.  No matter, I'll just keep hitting with Astonish.

Wow...Astonish...doesn't really do a whole lot of damage.  This...this is a problem.

Bulking Up again.  Umm...please stop doing that.

Astonish again, and Makuhita's still got about 75% of his health--

GAH! Vital Throw took out Lombre in one shot! Woah...I better whip out the heavy guns then.


Kevin's Combusken, lvl 16     vs.     Brawly's Makuhita, lvl 19

I totally forgot this guy knows Peck! Ah ha! You're in for it now, you pudgy shit!

Peck...didn't do a whole lot.  Fuck.

Bulk Up again--

Oh shit! That's right! Bulk Up increases Attack and Defense! Uh strategy!

Ember! Yeah, Makuhita's finally in the yellow! Alright, that's the way: attacking the Special Defense--

VITAL THROW ONE-SHOT K.O.'ED COMBUSKEN?!?!? Goddamn! Wait...oh god...oh god, this is really bad!


Kevin's Wingull, lvl 12     vs.     Brawly's Makuhita, lvl 19

Wingull has the advantage in Speed, and he's got enough power to whittle away at Makuhita's health through Special Attacks, but he can't get a knock-out with one hit.  I need to buy some time.




...fucking MISSED!!!!!! WINGULL!!!! DAMN YOU!!!! WE WERE THIS CLOSE!!!!!!!

Vital Throw is a knock-out, just like I thought.

I lost.  This is the second gym.  This is only the second gym and I got wiped clean.  God, this is just like going up against Misty in Cerulean for the first time...her and her fucking Starmie.  I'm reticent to call Brawly the new Sabrina, since I don't know anything about the other six gym leaders.  Still, this fucker is on hard-mode for sure.

I had no idea when I started playing this game that the NPC trainers aren't playing around, but now, I think I understand that I can't afford to play fair.  I need to cripple this guy...hit him where it hurts and hit him hard.  I could take a look at Taillow, since he's got a good critical ratio, but because he's also a Normal-type, I'm not gonna get the type-advantage I want--

Wait a second.

Oh no...oh, that's almost cruel! But considering what I've been through so far, Brawly has left me no choice.  There was a Pokemon on Route 106 that I initially passed up because I didn't think I would find it useful, and it's going to take a while to train it up to the right level, but it's absolutely perfect.

God, why does this have to be so far away? And WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP WATERING BERRIES! I AM NOT A GARDENER!!!!!

Alright, everyone...we have some serious grinding to do.  We're gonna get lean, and we're gonna get mean--

Well, hello there! I didn't know you lived in this cave.

You're perfect.




Brawly, get ready for a butt-fucking.

Combusken, lvl 16
Lombre, lvl 14
Ralts, lvl 13
Shroomish, lvl 12
Wingull, lvl 12
Slakoth, lvl 11

Pokedex: 10, Badges: 1

1 comment:

  1. Brawly team-wiped me in my first Nuzlocke. I feel your pain. But...

    You're not doing what I think you're doing, are you? You can't be THAT desperate!

