Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Who designed this fucking city? That little fence to the right of the Game Corner.  That fence? Fuck that fence.  I keep wanting to go that way but I can't.

But yeah, there's the Game Corner.  Needed to give the bitch that lives next door some Harbor Mail for a Coin Case, but now I get to check out what the prizes are:

TM 32, TM 29, TM 35, TM 24, TM 13...

Okay, so that's Double Team, Psychic, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam.  That's...that's fucking sweet.  What else do they have here?

Dolls.  They don't have rare Pokemon...they have dolls.  Yeah, this is going to be a TM place.

Speaking of which, found a dude who gave me Rock Smash.  Works.  What else is here--?


Oh shit...you're telling me I have to pick from two?! Ugh...it's like the fossils choice all over again.  I know the Mach Bike is faster, but the Acro Bike is more manageable, so...

I've chosen the Acro Bike! There we go! I'm ready to--

Oh...I can just swap them whenever? Oh, well whoop-dee-fucking-doo! Let's try them out.

Okay, the Mach Bike goes REALLY fucking fast, but it's difficult as a bitch to control.  Let's try the other--


This is my bike!

Meanwhile, who the fuck is blocking the entrance to the...Electric Gym! Okay, I think I have some shit to combat that.  Wingull is sitting out, and I don't have a Ground-type yet, but I have enough variety to survive any sort of--

Oh, it's this kid! Okay.  Yeah, I'll battle you.  Why the hell not?


Kevin's Aron, lvl 17     vs.     Wally's Ralts, lvl 16

Wow, you...you only have the Ralts? Okay then.  Umm...Rock Tomb?

Holy shit, that put Ralts into the deep red! This may be very quick.

Double Team.  Not a bad strategy--

Headbutt K.O.

Well, that wasn't very interesting--

THERE HE IS AGAIN!!!! WHO ARE YOU?!?!? WHY DO YOU FOLLOW ME?!?!?! Seriously, this guy needs to give me some fucking answers as to who the hell he is.

Well, I don't know where to go from here to train, since the city leads into four different fucking routes, so I guess it's just going to be a matter of trying each one.

Okay...I came from the south, the north is blocked by rocks, the east is blocked by water.  Guess I'm going west.  However, I do want to check out this little house here.

Oh shit! It's like the Elite Four! But...if the Elite Four were mediocre! The Mediocre Four!

Or simply, the Four.  What do I get for beating the Four?

MACHO BRACE! Aww, yeah! EV training necessities! I may not be really able to use this here, but I can certainly carry that shit over into later generations! Definitely a keeper.  Alright, let's check out the western route.

Hey, the Day-Care! Great! I don't have any need for that now, but I'll investigate it when I have a Pokemon I need to leave there.  There's only the one woman there, so I don't even know if I can have breeding going on there.  Whatever, this is for a different day.  Today...is for Verdanturf Town and training some old friends and new.

Combusken, lvl 23
Vigoroth, lvl 19
Whismur, lvl 19
Aron, lvl 18
Shroomish, lvl 16
Poochyena, lvl 14

Pokedex: 20, Badges: 2

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