Sunday, February 24, 2013

No More Mister Nice-Guy...

KEVIN:   Hey, Brawly! C'mere a minute!

BRAWLY:   What do you want?

KEVIN:   I want another battle.

BRAWLY:   You really think you got what it takes? It doesn't seem like you were training for that long--

KEVIN:   Just...send 'em...out.

BRAWLY:   Alright, it's your funeral.

Dewford Town Gym: Brawly, the Redo

KEVIN:   Before we begin, I have to warn you that I've found some pretty impressive Pokemon while training in that cave to the north.

BRAWLY:   You're a bigger fool than I thought if you were thinking about bringing an Aron into a fight against me.  Arons are Rock/Steel, and my Fighting-types would destroy them.

KEVIN:   Well, you're only half right; I did catch an Aron...

Aron, lvl 10
Gender: Male
Nature: Quirky
Ability: Sturdy

HP: 31
Attack: 19
Defense: 27
Special Attack: 13
Special Defense: 14
Speed: 13

KEVIN:   But there's no way I'd bring one into a fight against you; it'd be suicide.  Don't you worry,'ll see my plan soon enough.


Kevin's Ralts, lvl 13     vs.     Brawly's Machop, lvl 16

BRAWLY:   Ah, the Ralts again, eh? It doesn't look much stronger than when we lost fought.

KEVIN:   Ralts, use Confusion! That took a sizeable amount of health away from your Machop!

BRAWLY:   This is going to end the exact same way as it did before! Machop, Low Kick now!

KEVIN:   It's not that effective, Brawly.  Use Confusion again!

BRAWLY:   Machop, I know you're barely hanging in there, but give her one more Low Kick and I'll give you that Super Potion.

KEVIN:   Ralts, we have our opening! Two Confusions back-to-back!

BRAWLY:   Machop, don't give up! Give it one strong Karate Chop and then it's over!

KEVIN: did it.  You beat my Ralts.

BRAWLY:   If your Ralts couldn't beat my Machop the first time, it sure wasn't going to--

KEVIN:   Ralts was never meant to beat Machop.  I know you set aside one Super Potion per Pokemon, so I needed one Pokemon to weaken yours to a point where you would need to use that potion, then when it was hanging on by a thread, send in the Pokemon I knew could beat it!


Kevin's Wingull, lvl 16     vs.     Brawly's Machop, lvl 16

KEVIN:   Wingull, you've got the speed and the power! Water Gun!

BRAWLY:   Well, well...impressive.

KEVIN:   I figured that last time, where I went wrong was sending out which Pokemon in what order.  But now, I think I've got your number, Brawly.

BRAWLY:   We'll see about that!


Kevin's Wingull, lvl 16     vs.     Brawly's Meditite, lvl 16

KEVIN:   I remember this Meditite.  From what I recall, this didn't give me too much trouble at all, and it sure shouldn't now! Wing Attack!

BRAWLY:   Quite a powerful attack! I'm glad you finally decided to bring a Fighting-type move into the battle before Makuhita.  Don't worry, Meditite! Bulk Up and tighten your focus; you'll be able to knock that bird out with one shot if you land that Focus Punch--

KEVIN:   Oh...Focus Punch.  That move's pretty...pretty stupid.

BRAWLY:   You really kind of have to time it right--

KEVIN:   Wing Attack.

BRAWLY:   D'ah, shit! Well, your Wingull may be tough, but my Makuhita is tougher!

KEVIN:   Toughness will not help you against this next Pokemon.  I found her in Route 106 and been training her in the Granite Cave all this time.'s not a her, per se, but you could almost say this Pokemon is like a sister to the one I've been training.

BRAWLY:   Wha--what the hell are you talking about?

KEVIN:   Enjoy the view from Ass-rape Town, Brawly!


Kevin's Shedinja, lvl 20     vs.     Brawly's Makuhita, lvl 19

BRAWLY:   Oh, come on! That's not even--!

KEVIN:   Fair?! Fuck you! Hoenn has been kicking my ass since Wingull and I'm tired of it! You deal with this shit now!

Shedinja, lvl 20
Gender: none
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Wonder Guard

HP: 1
Attack: 42
Defense: 33
Special Attack: 23
Special Defense: 19
Speed: 25

(I mean, of course, that means I had to have caught this little lady, which was a bitch to train:)

(And if I've got a Nincada that evolved into a Shedinja, that means I've got a Ninjask, too:)

Ninjask, lvl 20
Gender: Female
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Speed Boost

HP: 57
Attack: 42
Defense: 33
Special Attack: 31
Special Defense: 27
Speed: 68

KEVIN:   Let's do this, shall we, Brawly? Shedinja, use Flash!

BRAWLY:   Alright, can't hit that this, so take this time to Bulk Up!

KEVIN:   Flash again!

BRAWLY:   Keep bulking up.

KEVIN:   Flash!

BRAWLY:   Ha, it missed! Bulk Up!

KEVIN:   Don't worry about that last one; use Flash!

BRAWLY:   Bulk up!

KEVIN:   Flash!

BRAWLY:   Bulk up!

KEVIN:   Flash!

BRAWLY:   Bulk up!

KEVIN:'s okay if you missed, we have all the time in the world.

BRAWLY:   Bulk up, Makuhita.

KEVIN:   Flash again!

BRAWLY:   This is getting boring! Makuhita, use Arm Thrust!

KEVIN:   Wonder Guard isn't going to let you do any damage to Shedinja if you're going to use a Fighting-type attack, and Makuhita's only got Fighting-type attacks.  Shedinja, use Flash again!

BRAWLY:   Try Vital Throw--

KEVIN:   That isn't going to work either, Brawly.  You're in a bad way now! Flash!

BRAWLY:   Makuhita's already blind! Flash isn't going to do anything more!

KEVIN:   Perhaps you're right--

BRAWLY:   Come on, Makuhita, try Arm Thrust one more time!

KEVIN:   Too bad it still doesn't do anything.  Here, maybe your Makuhita will have better luck against...this little lady.

Kevin's Sableye, lvl 16     vs.     Brawly's Makuhita, lvl 19

Sableye, lvl 16
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Keen Eye

HP: 45
Attack: 26
Defense: 33
Special Attack: 27
Special Defense: 26
Speed: 24

BRAWLY:   You've got to be kidding me...

KEVIN:   What's the matter? Didn't expect me to play in hard-mode?

BRAWLY:   Makuhita, use Vital Throw--

KEVIN:   Won't work, since Sableye's a Ghost-type, and since your Makuhita's been bulking up this whole time, I'd have to use an attack that isn't affected by your stat-changing attacks.  How about...Night Shade!

BRAWLY:   Gah, damn it!

KEVIN:   The ticking clock has begun to count down, Brawly.

BRAWLY:  Bulk Up--!

KEVIN:   Your Makuhita can't bulk up any more! Night Shade!

BRAWLY:   Your Vital Throw won't work, but you can still eat your Sitrus Berry, Makuhita!

KEVIN:   Healing...interesting.  You think you can outlast Sableye? He's got enough Power Points in Night Shade to take you so.  Night Shade!

BRAWLY:   Arm Thrust?

KEVIN:   Night Shade.

BRAWLY:   Vital Throw?

KEVIN:   Night Shade!

BRAWLY:   Arm Thrust?

KEVIN:   Night--!


KEVIN:   You delay the inevitable.  Night Shade! Do it again!

BRAWLY:   Uhh...Vital Throw?!

KEVIN:   Night Shade!

BRAWLY:   Come on!!! VITAL THROW--!


BRAWLY:   ...I lost.

KEVIN:   Yes, you did.

BRAWLY:   That wasn't very sportsmanlike.

KEVIN:   Tough shit.  You used potions.  Badge me.

BRAWLY:   I don't like you.

KEVIN:   I don't like you either.  Badge me.

BRAWLY:   Fine.  Here!

BRAWLY:   Get out of my gym.

KEVIN:   I intend to.  Also, eat dicks.

BRAWLY:   You, too.

Now...where the fuck is Steven?!?!?!?!

Shedinja, lvl 20
Combusken, lvl 19
Sableye, lvl 16
Wingull, lvl 16
Ralts, lvl 13
Slakoth, lvl 12

Pokedex: 17, Badges: 2

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