Thursday, February 28, 2013

This Better Not Have Zubats...

So, I guess the next place for me to head is up Route 111.  The next town, it looks like, is called Lavaridge Town.  Okay, that's a good enough reason for me to get my Water-types and my Rock-types at the ready.

Honestly, though, if I fucking nailed this thing on the head and the next gym is a Fire-type gym, I'm gonna laugh.

It's good to see you again, Wingull! And as for you, Ralts...

I think it's time we gave you the Experience Share.  Now...let's crack these motherfucking rocks open!

First trainers I come across are reporters that make me do that fucking "Pick-A-Word" bullshit.  That has to stop.  I hate it.  If it was a person, I would hate him, too.

Woah, fucking sandstorm to the north! What the hell is going on up there? Is that a desert or some shit? Guess I have to go down Route 112, instead.

Hey, actual tall grass! Let's see what they got around here.  Hopefully something interesting.

Also, in case of shit, Ralts just learned Teleport, and until I get the Fly HM, that's almost as good., tall grass has Marill, which I don't need--


Goddamn, you look goofy as hell...

Numel, lvl 16
Gender: Male
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Oblivious

HP: 45
Attack: 25
Defense: 18
Special Attack: 29
Special Defense: 23
Speed: 20 would have been this long before getting a Fire-type if I didn't pick Torchic? Way to fucking go, me! And it's got a Rawst Berry--oh, that heals burns! Okay! Cool, I needed one of those.

Mount Chimney, eh? Well, if this is the next step, then so be it...but so help me fucking god if it's another Zubat-hole...

And who are those suspicious-looking cocksticks in the big, fluffy red hoodies blocking the way to my goddamned cable car?!

Into the cave? Fuck you, game.

Combusken, lvl 24
Mightyena, lvl 21
Geodude, lvl 21
Vigoroth, lvl 20
Wingull, lvl 18
Ralts, lvl 17

Pokedex: 26, Badges: 3

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