Thursday, February 14, 2013

Popping the Emerald Cherry

Well, I've made it to the first town...Oldale Town.  This is the Viridian City/Cherrygrove City of Generation-III, meaning I have to do something that will force me back to the starting town before I get a Pokedex and Poke Balls.  So, I just came from Route 101, so let's try Route 102--



Okay, not this way.  Let's try the other way...

Ooh, a Wingull! I like Wingull! And since there don't seem to be any Pidgey around here, he'll be a great starting Flying-type.  Furthermore, I don't know when I'll get the opportunity to first encounter another Water-type, I better--


No! No! No! No--! beat Torchic? I...I whited out before I even fought my rival?!?!?





Me?!?!?! apparently, Emerald does not fuck around.  Let's try this shit again.

Hey, girl! How you doin'? You know, we actually have some alone time here.  Maybe we could get to know--

Pokemon battle? Sure, fuck it.

Kevin's Torchic, lvl 6     vs.     May's Mudkip, lvl 5

Okay...real-talk: I fucking love the animated sprites in this game.  For the breakdowns, I'm using them.  I hope they either entertain you or annoy the shit out of you.  No gray areas of opinion.

The battle went as all first rival fights usually go: Scratch, Tackle, Scratch, Tackle, Scratch, Tackle, etc.

Torchic won, so I thought I'd save you the boring details.

Alright, so let's run back to your dad and get that damn Pokedex.

Woo! Hot damn--!

Oh? YOU have something for me, too, May?

She...she gave me my first Poke Balls? My rival? Her?

I...I think I'm falling in love with this character.  Granted, if I was playing as the girl, I'm pretty sure the sprites would be switched and the boy would be giving me his balls...which would be creepy.

Glad I picked the boy character...

Anyway, I want more Pokemon, and I know just where to start.

Torchic, lvl 2
Gender: Male
Nature: Careful
Ability: Keen Eye

HP: 13
Attack: 6
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 8

You, are a monster that would have ended my Nuzlocke run before it even began.  We shall be the best of friends or the worst of enemies...but either way, you're coming with me--


Poochyena, lvl 2
Gender: Female
Nature: Lax
Ability: Run Away

HP: 13
Attack: 7
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 6

You're not incredible, but you're a Dark-type, and that shit ain't easy to come across as far as I know, so you're coming with me.  Plus, you're immune to Psychic-type attacks, so that's pretty tight.

Oh...the guy that was blocking my way before moved? Great.  Say, I wonder what kind of rare Pokemon left those footprints.

Spoiler Alert: They were his footprints...and I murdered him because he was an idiot.

On the bright side, the Running Shoes are the best goddamn things on the planet.

Granted, they're a hideous orange color, but moving at near-bike speed by just pressing B and increasing the rate of wild encounters? Sign me up.

I'm off to the next town, which, according to this game, is where my dad works...


I know, right? I thought it would be more surprising that I actually have a father in this game, but y'know...Japan is fucking weird.  Whatever.  End transmission.

Torchic, lvl 8
Poochyena, lvl 5
Wingull, lvl 5

Pokedex: 3, Badges: 0

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